Code of Conduct

At Parkland Elementary we value education.

We Believe:

  • in working together
  • that education is important
  • in respecting people, their needs, and their feelings
  • in personal safety, respecting property and the environment


Well-Being in School

Parkland Elementary recognizes that fostering values in students when interacting with others is necessary for social/emotional well-being, and is essential in creating and maintaining a positive climate and school culture. The Seven Grandfather Teachings are some of those key values: Respect, Trust, Humility, Courage, Love, Honesty and Wisdom.

We believe that children can learn from their mistakes and can learn to take responsibility for choosing effective behaviours and creating positive solutions. This Ethical Way of Being practice:

  • Builds self-esteem/positive self-concept
  • Increases self-discipline & regulation
  • Focuses on internal motivation
  • Allows for restitution (making things right)
  • Eliminates fear and coercion


Intervention considerations

When implementing consequences for intervention the following will be considered:

  • Seriousness of the action
  • Intent of the action
  • If the action is a repeat occurrence
  • Previous intervention that was required
  • Impact on the victim(s)
  • Overall attitude of the student during the intervention


Rights and Responsibilities

Parkland Elementary expects all members of the school community to treat each other with respect and courtesy, and to behave in a manner worthy of the respect of others, in order to promote a safe and positive school climate. All members of the school have:

  • The right to mutual respect and a positive selfimage.
  • The right to a safe environment.
  • The responsibility of being respectful of each others’ abilities and needs.
  • The responsibility of behaving in a non-violent, non-threatening way.
  • The responsibility of being caring and empathetic towards others.



Parkland Elementary believes that appropriate behaviour is fostered in a positive climate in which:

  • All community members feel:
    • safe, valued, and trusted, and have the opportunity to develop, assume, and maintain responsibility and self-motivation.
    • supported without fear of retaliation in reporting unsafe conditions, actions, or potential incidents.
  • There is a shared effort to learn and a feeling of mutual respect among staff, students and parents
  • Appropriate behaviour is taught, encouraged, modelled, practiced and acknowledged, thereby increasing self-respect and positive social behaviours
  • Whenever possible and where appropriate, consequences for unacceptable conduct shall focus on consequences that are restorative in nature
  • Disciplinary action is considerate of students with special needs due to a diagnosed disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural need

Expected Behaviour

Parkland Elementary expects students to conduct themselves in the following manner:

  • Maintain courteous and respectful relationships with fellow students, teachers, support staff and others involved in the school system.
  • Respect public and personal property.
  • Follow classroom, school and district expectations and policies.
  • Comply with reasonable directives of a teacher or other employee of the Board.
  • Maintain appropriate standards of hygiene, dress and language.
  • Attend school daily and promptly at the regular hours.
  • Work diligently and respectfully without disrupting the work of others.
  • Demonstrate respect for all people, both in and outside school in compliance with the BC Human Rights Code.
  • Demonstrate respect for diversity including but not limited to, diversity with respect to race, ethnicity, gender, age, ability, culture, ancestry, language, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, and socioeconomic background.
  • Comply with the Tobacco Control Act prohibiting tobacco use on school property.

Parkland Elementary regards the following as examples of serious misconduct:

  • Bullying, including cyberbullying.
  • The role of the bystander who witnesses or encourages bullying behaviour.
  • Verbal or physical harassment, disrespect and/or intimidation.
  • Physical or emotional harassment.
  • Discrimination contrary to the British Columbia Human Rights Code.


Examples of Unexpected Behaviour

Minor: excluding others, name calling, pushing, teasing, littering, not demonstrating respectful classroom/ assembly/ washroom/ hallway behaviour, disrespectful talk, spitting, inappropriate use of cell phone during class,.

Major: Repeated minor concerns, willful disobedience, on-going unsafe play, hands-on/physical harm to another person, inappropriate or derogatory language, hate speech, leaving school grounds, hiding from adults, bulling, harassment, intimidation, discrimination, throwing things, sexually explicit behaviour, drawings, comments, writing, continuous disregard for classroom/school expectations.

Severe: Repeated major concerns, theft, vandalism, intentional physical harm or fighting, abusive language, threats, possession of weapons, drugs, tobacco or alcohol, actions directed by SD28 policy, actions directed by the Criminal Code.


Communication Protocol

For minor consequences parents can expect the classroom teacher to be in contact either by phone or through use of the school planner to inform you of behavioural issues and intervention.

For on-going minor, major or severe consequences parents can expect the school Principal to phone home, or for a meeting to be requested with the parent or guardian. A Working Team Meeting (WTM) may be called for students who require the implementation of an Individualized Behavioural Plan.


Examples of Consequences

Minor - Second Step skills, verbal apology, make it right action, school jobs.

Major /Severe - Peace Process, written apology, make it right action (fix/replace), behaviour plan, inschool suspension or suspension, loss of privileges, referral to counselor or other agencies, contact with RCMP Liaison.


Support and Guidance

We believe that part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle is learning to work collaboratively and co-operatively through conflict and that we are more successful with our relationships and learning when we regulate our minds and bodies. Creating a supportive emotional environment for positive discipline conversations allows student to look at their behaviour collaboratively with a staff member. Students use Second Step skills to make amends and mindfully approach similar incidents in the future. We use the Successful Learner Traits and Growth Mindset as a whole school to further explore and express the Core Competencies.

Parkland Elementary trusts that students will comply with school and district expectations and policies. However, we recognize that there may be instances when the best intentions and plans do not work and intervention or corrective measure may be necessary. In such incidents, the Principal will use discretion in determining the seriousness of the situation and seek restitution or pursue other appropriate consequences. We strive to ensure that proper support is provided to the student.

In offering guidance and support, staff members will interact in a kind, firm and fair manner. Some possible interventions are as follows:

  • Seeking to understand what happened form the student’s perspective.
  • Conversations about the impact of one’s actions and how to make amends.
  • Recommendation for counselling services.
  • The use of behaviour plans in collaboration with the classroom teacher, parents, and possibly the school counsellor.
  • Negligent damage to or loss of school property requires restitution to the Board by the student and/or parents in accordance with the School Act.
  • The suspected presence of illegal drugs, alcohol, or weapons is a matter of concern. The principal exercise judgement in making a decision as to the appropriate intervention.